

Principal InvestigatorPh.D. StudentsM.Sc. StudentsUndergraduatesStaff
Dinesh K. PaiYu Ju (Edwin) ChenJan HansenAurelia KongYe Fan
Egor LarionovAustin RothwellKiran Mann
Prashant SachdevaAlistair WickYuan Tian
Pearson Wyder-HodgeJerry Yin


We take great pride in mentoring and training students in research. Our trainees, at all levels, have been exceptionally successful, both in academia and industry. Fourteen of our trainees now hold faculty positions at some of the best universities in the world.

Others are research scientists at world-class research laboratories (e.g., CNRS – France’s National Centre for Scientific Research and Adobe Research). Our M.Sc. students are highly sought after in industry; several have helped found startups (e.g., Vital Mechanics Research, Hemisphere Games).

We are always looking for talented trainees to join our lab. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Pai via email with your CV and a brief description of yourself and your research interests.

* These students also completed a brief postdoc in our lab.

Last NameFirst NameCurrent PositionProgramYear
MilletGuillaumePatent Examiner, European Patent OfficePostdoc2013
IkedaAtsutoshiLecturer, Kindai UniversityPostdoc2011
Zariffa JoséAssistant Professor, University of TorontoPostdoc2011
GillesBenjaminResearch Scientist, Le Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiquePostdoc2010
ForssénPer-ErikAssociate Professor,Linköping UniversityPostdoc2007
LloydJohnResearch Engineer, University of British ColumbiaPostdoc1998
LevinDavidAssistant Professor, University of TorontoPh.D.2012
YeoSang HoonLecturer, University of BirminghamPh.D.2012
SuedaShinjiroAssistant Professor, Texas A&M UniversityPh.D.*2010
WeiQiAssistant Professor, George Mason UniversityPh.D.*2010
KaufmanDannyResearch Scientist, Adobe SystemsPh.D.*2009
EdmundsTimothyFaculty, British Columbia Institute of Technology Ph.D.*2008
YinKang KangAssociate Professor, Simon Fraser UniversityPh.D.2007
KryPaulAssociate Professor, McGill UniversityPh.D.2005
JamesDougProfessor, Stanford UniversityPh.D.*2001
LangJochenAssociate Professor, University of OttawaPh.D.2001
Van den DoelKeesResearch Associate, University of British ColumbiaPh.D.1999
RalphScott K.Machine Learning and Reasoning Research Scientist, Uncharted SoftwarePh.D.1999
SpiteriRaymondProfessor, University of SaskatchewanPh.D.1997
BradleySusannePh.D. Student, University of British ColumbiaM.Sc.2015
FookenJolandePh.D. Student, Neuroscience, Visual Performance & Oculomotor Mobility LabM.Sc.2015
HarrisonDarcyLead Software Developer, Vital Mechanics Inc.M.Sc.2015
RanjanAnuragPh.D. Student, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent SystemsM.Sc.2015
TroniakDanielRobotics Research Engineer, Caterpillar Inc.M.Sc.2014
FainMikhailSoftware Development Engineer, AmazonM.Sc.2013
FanYeLead Software Developer Lead, Vital Mechanics Inc.M.Sc.2013
HumberstonBenTech Lead, Facebook Reality Labs, PittsburghM.Sc.2013
LiDuoSoftware Engineer, GoogleM.Sc.2013
LitvenJoshuaDeveloper, LMRKTSM.Sc.2013
LakzadehMahkamehMechanical Engineer, OcéM.Sc.2011
LesmanaMartinBusiness Executive, Jakarta, IndonesiaM.Sc.2011
JonesGarrettDeveloper, Quail Inc.M.Sc.2011
LandgrenAxelPrototype Development Engineer, Axis CommunicationsM.Sc.2010
KaufmanAndrewR&D Lead, Image Engine Design Inc. M.Sc.2008
SadhukhanSubarnaManager and Technical Lead, GoogleM.Sc.2005
BoxermanEddyFounder, Hemisphere GamesM.Sc.2003
KnottDavidProgrammeur Généraliste, Ubisoft EntertainmentM.Sc.2003
ClineMichaelSoftware Developer, Next Level GamesM.Sc.2002
HoskinsonReynaldSystems Engineer, Arius Technology Inc.M.Sc.2002
DiFilippoDerekSenior Software Developer, jSonarM.Sc.2000
RichmondJoshuaDirector of Engineering, Synaptive Medical Inc.M.Sc.2000
UllrichChrisVice President, Immersion CorporationM.Sc.1998
SiiraJuhaniVP Engineering, Saturna Green SystemsM.Sc.1996
CloutierBenoitSenior Director R&D, 2020 Inc.M.Sc.1995
LeeGene S.Senior Software Engineer, Walt Disney Animation StudiosM.Sc.1994
NeogDebanga Raj Co-Founder and Technical Lead, NytilusPh.D.2018
RolinRobertSoftware DeveloperM.Sc.2017