ArtDefo: Real Time Elastostatics using Boundary Elements (BEM) and Precomputed Green’s functions
We developed a general framework for low-latency simulation of large linear elastostatic deformable models, suitable for real time animation and haptic interaction in virtual environments. The deformation is described using precomputed Green’s functions, and runtime boundary value problems are solved using Capacitance Matrix Algorithms. We introduced boundary element (BEM) techniques for precomputing Green’s functions, and […]
ACME: Scanning Physical Interaction Behavior of 3D Objects
Starting around 1998, we developed the UBC ACtive MEasurement facility (ACME), a telerobotic system for capturing comprehensive computer models of physical interaction behavior of real 3D objects. The behaviors we could successfully scan and model include deformation response, contact textures for interaction with force-feedback, and contact sounds. We also developed a novel software architecture for […]